Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Hello Again

Whoa, it's actually been a whole month since my last post, and probably over a month since my last significant post. I think the problem was that I didn't know what I wanted to say. I didn't know what kind of voice I wanted to have. I'm still not sure honestly.


I realized that I rather post something, write anything, than do nothing at all.
In the last month, I've celebrated my 18th birthday, reunited with old friends, applied for a job, got a new laptop, and hosted my school's first semi formal dance. Life has been good. Nothing to complain about.


I've been thinking a lot about my future, and where I want to go with my writing. I'm always the person that people talk to when they are confused on their direction. I see other people's lives in a very simplistic perspective. Nothing is complicated until you make it complicated. However, when it comes to my own life, I guess you could say that I'm pretty hypocritical in that sense. I have a habit of over-thinking (as most teens do) and that gets in the way of a lot of things. I've recently told many friends ways that they can get started in their field, whether that be graphic design, photography, fashion, etc. I always urge them to start now, that there is no reason they cannot do what they love now. But I forget to tell myself that.

I forget that I can be writing right now. I forget that I have a voice, and whether one person reads my article, or 1000, my voice is important. Maybe I'm lazy, or maybe I just scared.

Either way, I want to take my own advice.